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Learn about a treatment option for adult upper limb spasticity. Learn More

How Good Stroke Survivors Help All Stroke Survivors

How "Good" Stroke Survivors Help All Stroke Survivors

 How "Good" Stroke Survivors Help All Stroke Survivors By Peter G LevineWhen physical and occupational therapists read stroke-specific clinical research, they are often skeptical. One of the main reasons for therapists...
Helping Stroke Survivors with Evidence-Based Practice

Helping Stroke Survivors with Evidence-Based Practice

 Helping Stroke Survivors with Evidence-Based Practice By Peter G LevineEveryone talks a big game with evidence-based practice (EBP) in stroke. You can't go to any occupational or physical therapy seminars without...

Stroke Rehabilitation: Throw Out Those Cones

MedBridge provides clinicians and healthcare organizations a comprehensive education platform that includes clinical education, patient education, and home exercise programs to advance their knowledge, engage patients in their recovery, and...

The Sixth Vital Sign

MedBridge provides clinicians and healthcare organizations a comprehensive education platform that includes clinical education, patient education, and home exercise programs to advance their knowledge, engage patients in their recovery, and...
Questions to ask your occupational therapist

Questions To Ask Your Occupational Therapist

This guest post was provided to us by Hoang Tran from Hands On TherapySo maybe you have had an injury to your body such as a broken bone or surgery,...

Reclaim Your Stability With Core Exercises For Stroke Recovery

After a stroke, many patients struggle with poor control and strength in the muscles on one side of the body. While the focus of recovery is often on the limbs...
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hand Strengthening Program Following A Stroke

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hand Strengthening Program Following A Stroke

If you are setting out on a hand strengthening program following a stroke or spinal cord injury, you are seeking to retrain your muscles, joints, mind and central nervous system....
The Stroke Belt

The Stroke Belt

 Strokes aren't always predictable or preventable. However, there are many different traits and habits that overwhelmingly correspond to higher risks, so it's easier than ever to determine your individual risk...

Clinical Examination of the Painful Hemiplegic Shoulder

Successful clinical outcomes are typically the result of the therapist’s ability to perform a thorough and accurate examination.

Strengthening a Spastic Muscle. Why the Kerfuffle?

Not as much now, but in the recent past, discussing strength training a hyperactive or spastic muscle was a very controversial topic amongst clinicians at happy hour, in the clinic, or at CEU’s.

De-icing the Mystery Behind Hemiplegic Frozen Shoulder

If you have attended a Saebo course in the past, you most likely have heard the comment “it is the hand that guides the arm”.

An Orthopedic Approach to the Hemiparetic Upper Limb: Understanding the Biomechanics and Pathoanatomy of the Shoulder.

Before I co-founded Saebo, I was a practicing occupational therapist specializing in non-operative orthopedic medicine and manual therapy of the upper quadrant.
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