The Stroke Belt

Henry Hoffman
Wednesday, September 16th, 2015
Last modified on April 25th, 2022

The Stroke Belt


Strokes aren’t always predictable or preventable. However, there are many different traits and habits that overwhelmingly correspond to higher risks, so it’s easier than ever to determine your individual risk factors. In 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added another factor to the list when they began to collect and compare data about strokes in each individual state.

The CDC confirmed decades’ worth of evidence that strokes consistently occur in some regions more than others. Their research also unveiled some startlingly specific risks: eleven states had unusually high stroke rates and mortality rates. Following this revelation, several organizations have conducted research to compare stroke prevalence, care costs, mortality rates, behavioral risks, and other factors on a state-by-state basis.

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Saebo, Inc. Launches New Website & Improved SaeboGlove Product

Henry Hoffman
Friday, August 28th, 2015
Last modified on December 29th, 2019

New, improved website provides education, resources, and improved products such as the SaeboGlove

Charlotte, N.C. –Saebo announces today the official launch of, a new, improved website dedicated to the company’s full product line which includes the updated SaeboGlove as well as far-reaching educational resources designed for individuals, therapists, and families suffering from or caring for those who experience impaired mobility and function.

Over the last ten years, Saebo has grown into a leading global provider of rehabilitative products. Saebo has helped approximately 200,000 clients regain function; they are growing this commitment to patient care, affordability, and accessibility even further through the education and resources available via the new website.

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“It was amazing to see just how well the SaeboFlex was able to work for my patient”

Friday, August 28th, 2015
Last modified on May 15th, 2020

Alyssa Villarreal

I have been an Occupational Therapist for 3 1/2 years, working in an outpatient clinic. I have had the opportunity to work with many patients who have experienced a stroke but regardless of intervention strategies I tried, I have always been unsatisfied with the progress we have made by the time the patient is discharged (usually based off of insurance limitations from hitting a level of plateaued progress).

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“The Saebo products gave me hope.”

Friday, August 28th, 2015
Last modified on May 15th, 2020

I suffered from a stroke on 10/5/13 at 28 years old. I was on my way to a hair salon appointment. When I pulled into the parking lot, I suddenly felt my right side go numb. As I tried to get out of my car, I collapsed, unable to stand. My right side felt unresponsive. I could not move- all I could do was wait and cry until someone noticed me.

When I did not respond to his text messages, my hairdresser, Nico, came out to the parking lot to find me lying on the ground. When I couldn’t answer, he called the paramedics. The police arrived first, and quickly sent me to the hospital. I passed out in the ambulance on the way there.

At the hospital, I underwent a craniotomy to remove the blood clot that had formed in my brain. It was a hemorrhage in my left-frontal lobe.

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Clinical Examination of the Painful Hemiplegic Shoulder

Henry Hoffman
Thursday, August 20th, 2015
Last modified on October 11th, 2019

Successful clinical outcomes are typically the result of the therapist’s ability to perform a thorough and accurate examination. In order to diagnose and prescribe lesion specific treatment, a clinician must not only be knowledgeable with the musculoskeletal system and how to systematically examine the affected joint, but feel confident with interpreting the results. Without an accurate assessment using proven orthopedic-based diagnostic techniques, pain and disability can persist unnecessarily for months or years. In a previous article, we looked at the biomechanics, pathoanatomy and pathomechanics of the hemiplegic shoulder. Today, I would like to continue this series by reviewing the clinical examination of the painful neurological shoulder.

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Strengthening a Spastic Muscle. Why the Kerfuffle?

Henry Hoffman
Wednesday, August 19th, 2015
Last modified on May 15th, 2020

Not as much now, but in the recent past, discussing strength training a hyperactive or spastic muscle was a very controversial topic amongst clinicians at happy hour, in the clinic, or at CEU’s. For many, the thought of having upper motor neuron lesion clients squeeze their hyperactive finger flexors or flex their spastic biceps in the late 1980-90’s (and earlier) would have made many clinicians cringe. The visual that comes to mind for me is something out of a CSI show, but instead of a homicide, you were looking at a clinical “assault and battery” where security would have been called and the crime scene tape would have been wrapped around the patient and the plinth. The suspected serial criminal then would have collected his or her belongings and performed the famous perp walk out of the clinic for all of the fellow clinicians to see. Yes, the media would have eventually covered this story and learned that this inept clinician, known publically now as “high toner”, would be linked to previous clinical crimes ranging from “excessive upper trap activation” to “absence of manual cues”. OK, maybe a bit melodramatic and a tad over-exaggerated, but I think you get the idea.

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“I was amazed at the smooth motion I could accomplish with the SaeboMAS”

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015
Last modified on May 15th, 2020

Michael-che Swisher

I was diagnosed with MS in March of 2013. I had been experiencing neurological symptoms for nine years, so it was not a big surprise when I got the diagnosis. I had a long period of time to adjust to the notion before it was an actual reality. I was afraid of having to use a wheelchair or living in a care facility. But my biggest fear was that I would lose my ability to paint, which was not only my career but also my passion.

I heard about the SaeboMAS from my occupational therapist. I was not recovering as we had hoped, so it seemed that I would have to adjust to my new disabilities instead of hoping for a full recovery.

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“The look of surprise and happiness on her face was worth more than a thousand words”

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015
Last modified on May 15th, 2020

Dr. Prashant Dinesh

As President of Everest Healthcare, I know from personal experience that Saebo products not only give patients the ability to perform tasks with their affected hand that they could not otherwise with other physiotherapy options, but also restore hope that they may be able to regain functionality.

One of my patients in his early thirties was delighted to perform grasp and release activities using the SaeboFlex for the first time since his stroke several months ago. For a young person seeking to regain employment and become financially independent again, functionality is essential. The SaeboFlex provides tremendous hope to patients of such possibilities.

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De-icing the Mystery Behind Hemiplegic Frozen Shoulder

Henry Hoffman
Wednesday, January 21st, 2015
Last modified on May 15th, 2020

If you have attended a Saebo course in the past, you most likely have heard the comment “it is the hand that guides the arm”. Although this is theoretically true when discussing the importance of incorporating one’s hand functionally, broadly speaking however, we should avoid providing too much importance to the hand as it is only one element of the interdependent kinetic chain. Yes, the hand mainly guides the arm to interact and problem-solve the environment, however, if pain and limited motion exists proximally (i.e., shoulder), function will be compromised regardless of the hand’s ability to participate.

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“She was so thrilled with her newfound abilities with the SaeboGlove”

Sunday, January 18th, 2015
Last modified on May 15th, 2020

Roni Powalski

We have used SaeboFlex at St. David’s Rehab for many years. Our previous OTR was the main person who ordered and trained our patients with the Flex, but she recently moved closer to home. So, I took it upon myself to start learning about Saebo through the online training course and from my colleagues who are Saebo certified. I have been involved in the process for about 6 months and have almost completed the online course.

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