I love the SaeboReJoyce and can use it with almost any patient.

One of the surprising applications is with patients who suffer from cognitive deficits. Patients are able to work with the SaeboReJoyce longer and harder because they don’t get bored. They can really wear themselves out without even knowing it! At first, I was using the SaeboReJoyce with my younger patients, who grew up playing video games, but not with older patients. Then I tried it with an 86 year-old patient and I was surprised to see that she loved working with it as well. She became very competitive and wanted to win, which was a great step forward for someone who was struggling to engage in therapy.
The only real problem with the SaeboReJoyce in our outpatient department is that the inpatient therapists like to steal it! We are a Stroke Center of Excellence and we see a large number of stroke patients so we are hoping to purchase another one next year so we won’t have to share!
Leigh McCall
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