I can see excellent benefits and results in terms of returned sensation, overall safety, and function.

My most recent case is a man who is 3 years post CVA, with a right-dominant hemiparesis. He continues to have poor overall sensation in the UE and also a small amount of spasticity, greater proximal than distal. Prior to use of the SaeboStim Micro, he had no sensation in the RUE. He was unable to feel light touch, deep pressure, sharp/dull, or temperatures. He also had limited proprioceptive awareness. After use of the device for one month, 2x week for 30 minutes, we began to notice improvements in terms of sensation. He was reporting continued numbness in the hand after removal of the device, improved ability to feel cold sensation and also improved ability to determine position in space.
We completed a second month with the same parameters and findings were even more impressive! He demonstrated greater ability to feel various stimuli when presented. Using a standardized sensation test he was able to feel 20/25 stimuli, as opposed to 0 on his first day and 4/25 at the one-month interval. He continues to struggle with localization, sharp and heat sensations, however being able to feel various other stimuli is a huge improvement. He is now able to feel objects in his hand, although unable to determine what they are without his vision.
I will continue to use this device with this gentleman and many other clients in the future with sensory loss. I can see excellent benefits and results in terms of returned sensation, overall safety, and function. I am even more impressed with these results seeing as we are several years post onset of injury. I have found this to be a useful tool for those with sensory loss and I will continue to use this device to treat sensory loss.
Robin Tripp MS, OTR/L, CFE
Hospital for Special Care, New Britain, CT
All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by the Saebo website is solely at your own risk.