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Learn about a treatment option for adult upper limb spasticity. Learn More

25 Hand Exercises For Stroke Recovery

25 Hand Exercises For Stroke Recovery

Reclaim Your Dexterity by Exercising Your Hand If you’ve suffered a stroke, learning how to perform basic daily tasks, such as eating or getting dressed, can feel like an overwhelming...
Exercise #1 Inner Arm Stretch - Arm & Elbow Exercises for Stroke Recovery Survivors & Patients at Home

8 Arm Exercises For Stroke Recovery You Can Do At Home

A stroke can often rob a patient of arm movement, making it difficult to perform simple tasks like moving the arm forward or grasping and releasing objects. Performing basic exercises...
SaeboGlove with Benefits of Rehab text

Benefits of Rehabilitation Gloves and Hand Splints For Stroke Recovery

Stroke is among the top three causes of death in the United States, but nothing comes close to stroke as the leading cause of long-term disability. After patients survive a...

Hand Splints and Contracture: What Occupational Therapists Need to Know

Suffering a stroke is debilitating and scary, and survivors are often affected much longer than the stroke itself actually lasts. Many patients experience spasticity and contracture during their stroke recovery...

Saebo Celebrates 15 Years and Over 250,000 Patients Served

World-renowned stroke rehabilitation company, Saebo, Inc. celebrates their 15-year anniversary this month. CHARLOTTE, N.C. – September 15, 2017 –  Fifteen years ago, two occupational therapists united with one simple, powerful...
What recovers first after stroke

Which Recovers First After A Stroke, The Arm or The Leg?

 Which Recovers First After A Stroke - The Arm or The Leg? By Peter G Levine"Which comes back first after a stroke, the arm or the leg?" First-year OT and...

April is OT Month! Saebo Supports the AOTA Centennial Vision.

The AOTA Centennial Vision In celebration of April being OT month, it seems appropriate to discuss AOTA’s Centennial Vision (CV) for the profession. Many will already be familiar with the...
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