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Gaining a Functional Hand after a Stroke

Gaining a Functional Hand after a Stroke

Currently, there are more than 6 million stroke survivors in the United States. Unfortunately, approximately 80 percent of stroke survivors experience some type of motor deficit as a result of...
Communicating After a Stroke: What Is Aphasia?

Communicating After a Stroke: What Is Aphasia?

Currently, strokes are one of the leading causes of long-term disability around the globe. Millions of stroke survivors struggle with a range of after effects that impact not only their...
The Importance of Home Therapy Programs for Stroke Patients

The Importance of Home Therapy Programs for Stroke Patients

Navigating the stages of stroke recovery is a personal, individualized process. During this transition, stroke therapy and treatment programs should be fine-tuned to each person’s specific needs and lifestyle. Stroke...
How to Prevent or Minimize the Plateau Phase After a Stroke

How to Prevent or Minimize the Plateau Phase After a Stroke

The stroke rehabilitation process throughout the first several months of stroke recovery can be intense, with dramatic inclines and declines in progress that can encourage and depress survivors. Weakness and...
Pontine Stroke Causes, Symptoms, and Treatmemnt

Pontine Stroke: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Pontine Stroke Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States suffers a stroke, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention....
Can a Stroke Cause a Personality Change?

Can a Stroke Cause a Personality Change?

Can a Stroke Cause a Personality Change? After suffering a stroke, many survivors experience not only physical impairments but also cognitive and emotional changes. In fact, about one-third of all...
5 Ways to Maximize Your Recovery Potential

5 Ways to Maximize Your Recovery Potential

When you or a loved one suffers a stroke, the first question is often, “How can I recover as quickly as possible?” To take full advantage of the brain’s neuroplasticity,...
Why Can’t I Swallow? Overcoming Dysphagia After a Stroke

Why Can’t I Swallow? Overcoming Dysphagia After a Stroke

Dysphagia is a disorder characterized by difficulty swallowing and is extremely common among survivors of stroke and other brain conditions. Dysphagia can lead to life-threatening complications like pneumonia, as well...
Stress and Strokes: What You Need to Know

Stress and Strokes: What You Need to Know

You probably know that things like high blood pressure and an unhealthy diet can increase your stroke risk, but what about stress? Can your stressful day at work lead to...
Mirror Box Therapy Exercises for Stroke Recovery

Mirror Box Therapy Exercises for Stroke Recovery

Mirror Box Therapy Exercises for Stroke Recovery Nearly 800,000 people suffer strokes in the United States annually, and more than 80 percent of these individuals experience a motor deficit as...
How to Combat Loss of Fine Motor Skills in Hands

How to Combat Loss of Fine Motor Skills in Hands

A stroke can affect anyone. The after effects of a stroke can change a person’s life by affecting their independence and ability to function. Understandably, this can be a very...
Drug Interactions and Stroke: Can Blood Thinners Cause Strokes?

Drug Interactions and Stroke: Can Blood Thinners Cause Strokes?

Nearly 800,000 people suffer a stroke every single year in the United States and stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States . Many stroke survivors...
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